Di saat kaki melangkah pergi, ruhi setia menanti diisi.. Lalu bibir laju mengungkapkan doa sang musafir,
"Ya Allah, Kau ajarkanlah aku. Kau berilah sebanyak2nya pengajaran yang bakal menjadi bekal untukku kembali bersemangat menggapai redha-Mu."
Selesai check-in flight,
"Dapat seat no brp?"
"X pe, bersabar ya, ini semua dugaan. InsyaAllah itu adalah yg terbaik. redhalah.. Apa2 pun, teruskan usaha, belajar kuat2 lg ya lps ni. Alhamdulillah, muna dpt 9A gituu.." =)
"Pergh, mmg nk kena!"
Maka bermulalah sesi riang-ria kanak2 ribena!
l Serius, Ok. Ehemm l
Diriku antara yang paling lambat memasuki flight. Wah, flight hari ni ke beijing penuhlah. Mata melilau2 mencari seat 9A. Ops, dah ada yg menanti, seorang lelaki berbangsa Inggeris. Aku masih cuba mencari seat lain yg kosong. Ternyata, semua yang tinggal hanya bersebelahan lelaki.
"Excuse me, may i have a seat?"
"Mahu duduk?"
Laa, omputih ni boleh cakap melayu juga rupanya.
"You want to putar2 Beijing? Ada apa?"
"Yes, i'm. Together with my friends and lecturers. We have an educational trip there. While you, sir? What are you going to do in Beijing?"
"I work there. Actually, i work in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and China. But now i live in Malaysia."
"You live in Malaysia with your family?"
"Nope, my wife and daughter stay in America"
Berlakulah perbualan taaruf antara kami, cewah! Tapi x panjang sgt, sekadar yg perlu. Perbualan diteruskan. Mungkin agak rancak juga, krn mata sekeliling sering bertumpu ke arah kami.
"How's your feeling about Malaysia?
"A very nice country. Malaysia got spectacular nature ................"
Diriku cuba mencari persoalan lain yg membuatku lebih berminat untuk berbual.
"What do you think of Malaysia, that's differ with other countries that you've lived in?"
"Owh, i got one more special thing. Malaysia is better than other muslims' countries. Before this, i've lived in ......... and ........... (both are muslims' countries)"
"Why do you say that?"
"It's about the government. They make all things, haraam.. Firstly, about alcohol. They forbid drinking alcohol but actually they do, i meant the royal family. They set up their own kitchen to have all these. Secondly, they block us to hang out with different gender. For example, when we went to a party, then men have to enjoy in a hall while women in another hall. Can you imagine, i can't enjoy with my wife, then how can we as human being, may know each other? May recognize the family members of our friends? b*d*h"
Diriku terdiam. Hanya senyuman dan sedikit anggukan membalas penerangan itu..
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Hanya berdiam diri saat agamamu diperlekehkan??
Mr. R menyambung lagi,
"Have you went to Makkah and Medina?"
"Yes, i do"
"Do you love to be there?"
"Yes, of course i am, and i'm hoping that i'll go there for the 2nd time"
"But it's not for me. I don't like to be in arab countries."
"As i said before.. Itu banyak b*d*h.."
Sedang bersembang, datang pramugara menghidangkan alcohol. Kemudian Mr R menyapa saya;
"You may have one. Just try! If you still don't want, just give it to me. I'll drink for you. Do you know, in malaysia, the price of this drinks is very high, the price is four times higher than in other countries. Here, you may get it for free."
"It's ok. I'm not interested to have it."
"Wait, i just want to question you about what i've said just now. Malaysia's government have put a very high tax to the sale of alcohol. Perhaps, it would give the country a very high income, right? Then, your government use the money to develop your country. How could it be, an islamic country is developing by using the income from alcohol? And also from gambling activities at Genting?"
"Owh, actually, there are a lot more sources of income for Malaysia. We got Petronas, the top 100 biggest company in the world, also give a lot of revenue to our country.."
Hurm, dah mula lari topik dan x menjawab soalan kan? Sekali lagi terdiam!
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Tidak mampu membela agamamu sedang ia direndah2kan??
Tetiba terasa nak tanya soalan pula;
"Sir, actually, why people like to drink alcohol?"
"Owh, it's good for your health. it's good for your brain, you'll feel relax and you'll forget all of your problems. That's why i'll have it everyday to release my tension. Besides, it's good for your heart and kidneys. I know that heart attack is the first killer in Malaysia, right? This is because not many of Malaysians drink alcohol, and the same thing goes to you!"
"I'm wondering, heart attack also has been suffered by non-muslims in Malaysia, whom also drink alcohol. Wait, actually, i know that Islam forbid us to drink alcohol because it brings more harm than benefits. When you say that you'll be relax, actually because you brain stops working for a while (mcm exaggerate sikit), then you may do something outside the norm. I've experienced almost hit by a drunk while walking. hmm.."
"Maybe, but it just for a while. Just to release our stress after working, maybe..."
Tiba gilirannya untuk berdiam dan terus menyambung persoalan lain;
"Do you know, now i've already knew the tips of choosing house in Malaysia."
"Owh, it sounds interesting! How?"
"I've to choose a house that is 1km away from any mosque. I'm always been disturbed by the sound of Akbar, Akbar (smbil membuat gaya seakan bilal, toleh kepala ke kanan, ke kiri).."
"But it's good right to wake up early in the morning? It makes us to be productive men"
"Not for me, because i stay up the whole night. Then that sound really, really disturb me! huh..."
Terdiam lagi. X tahu nak balas bagaimana lagi..
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Sedang perkara yang kecil tak termampu kau pertahankan??
"You look sleepy. Do you want to watch this movie?"
katanya sambil menunjukkan senarai movie dalam ipad-nya.
"It's ok. No, thank you."
Dia menambah, "I don't like to watch movie in Malaysia's television. A lot of scenes have been cut. When there's ***** or ***** part, they will cut. It makes me can't understand the whole story! Why ha?"
"Government don't want their people influenced by those immoral activities."
"But actually, the scenes also been 'acted' everywhere. If they don't watch in the movies, they may watch the same scene in their surrounding. Besides, actually, they will do it too.. So, why government blocked all these? b*d*h!
Ahha, isu lain lagi timbul. Penat juga fikir, tp x terjawab lagi kali ni!
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Jika ilmu dipelajari tak mampu menjadi hujahmu berhadapan mereka yang mempersoalkan?
Diriku terdiam. Hanya senyuman dan sedikit anggukan membalas penerangan itu..
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Hanya berdiam diri saat agamamu diperlekehkan??
Mr. R menyambung lagi,
"Have you went to Makkah and Medina?"
"Yes, i do"
"Do you love to be there?"
"Yes, of course i am, and i'm hoping that i'll go there for the 2nd time"
"But it's not for me. I don't like to be in arab countries."
"As i said before.. Itu banyak b*d*h.."
Sedang bersembang, datang pramugara menghidangkan alcohol. Kemudian Mr R menyapa saya;
"You may have one. Just try! If you still don't want, just give it to me. I'll drink for you. Do you know, in malaysia, the price of this drinks is very high, the price is four times higher than in other countries. Here, you may get it for free."
"It's ok. I'm not interested to have it."
"Wait, i just want to question you about what i've said just now. Malaysia's government have put a very high tax to the sale of alcohol. Perhaps, it would give the country a very high income, right? Then, your government use the money to develop your country. How could it be, an islamic country is developing by using the income from alcohol? And also from gambling activities at Genting?"
"Owh, actually, there are a lot more sources of income for Malaysia. We got Petronas, the top 100 biggest company in the world, also give a lot of revenue to our country.."
Hurm, dah mula lari topik dan x menjawab soalan kan? Sekali lagi terdiam!
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Tidak mampu membela agamamu sedang ia direndah2kan??
Tetiba terasa nak tanya soalan pula;
"Sir, actually, why people like to drink alcohol?"
"Owh, it's good for your health. it's good for your brain, you'll feel relax and you'll forget all of your problems. That's why i'll have it everyday to release my tension. Besides, it's good for your heart and kidneys. I know that heart attack is the first killer in Malaysia, right? This is because not many of Malaysians drink alcohol, and the same thing goes to you!"
"I'm wondering, heart attack also has been suffered by non-muslims in Malaysia, whom also drink alcohol. Wait, actually, i know that Islam forbid us to drink alcohol because it brings more harm than benefits. When you say that you'll be relax, actually because you brain stops working for a while (mcm exaggerate sikit), then you may do something outside the norm. I've experienced almost hit by a drunk while walking. hmm.."
"Maybe, but it just for a while. Just to release our stress after working, maybe..."
Tiba gilirannya untuk berdiam dan terus menyambung persoalan lain;
"Do you know, now i've already knew the tips of choosing house in Malaysia."
"Owh, it sounds interesting! How?"
"I've to choose a house that is 1km away from any mosque. I'm always been disturbed by the sound of Akbar, Akbar (smbil membuat gaya seakan bilal, toleh kepala ke kanan, ke kiri).."
"But it's good right to wake up early in the morning? It makes us to be productive men"
"Not for me, because i stay up the whole night. Then that sound really, really disturb me! huh..."
Terdiam lagi. X tahu nak balas bagaimana lagi..
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Sedang perkara yang kecil tak termampu kau pertahankan??
candid |
"You look sleepy. Do you want to watch this movie?"
katanya sambil menunjukkan senarai movie dalam ipad-nya.
"It's ok. No, thank you."
Dia menambah, "I don't like to watch movie in Malaysia's television. A lot of scenes have been cut. When there's ***** or ***** part, they will cut. It makes me can't understand the whole story! Why ha?"
"Government don't want their people influenced by those immoral activities."
"But actually, the scenes also been 'acted' everywhere. If they don't watch in the movies, they may watch the same scene in their surrounding. Besides, actually, they will do it too.. So, why government blocked all these? b*d*h!
Ahha, isu lain lagi timbul. Penat juga fikir, tp x terjawab lagi kali ni!
Maka layakkah engkau digelar DUTA ISLAM?
Jika ilmu dipelajari tak mampu menjadi hujahmu berhadapan mereka yang mempersoalkan?
Tarik nafas, hembus..
Tarik nafas, hembus........
Pelbagai lagi isu yang ditimbulkan
Lagi isu umat islam anak ramai tapi miskin, itu namanya menyeksa manusia, buat sesuatu x fikir.
Tambah lagi isu islamic banking setelah mengetahui diriku mengambil jurusan perakaunan dan berhasrat menyambung pengajian dalam bidang finanace. Katanya sama shj islamic banking dgn sistem riba yang telah wujud sejak berzaman.
Dan lagi, lagi, lagi...
Daripada byk2 isu yang ditimbulkan, hny bbrp shj yang dapat kubalas dgn kata2. Kadang bila x berhadapan dgn mereka, kita mampu untuk berfikir, tapi bila dpersoal begini, terhenti ideanya, terkelu lidah dbuatnya.
Ya Allah, apa yang telah kupelajari selama ini?
Kadang dirasa sudah banyak ilmu deen-Mu yang telah kukhatamkan, namun kenapa masih tidak mampu menjawab persoalan2 simple ini?
Ya Ghaffur, ampunilah hamba-Mu yang lemah
Kerana belum masih mampu menjadi duta produk-Mu, yakni Islam yang sgt Kau sayangi
Ya Rasulallah, aku malu padamu
Kerana kumengaku, akulah pewaris dakwahmu
Namun apa yg berlaku, ternyata aku masih perlu banyak ilmu dan pelatihan
Untuk kubisa mengikut jejak langkahmu
Ya Nabiyallah
Kumalu untuk mempersembahkan keadaan umat ini kepadamu
Kerana Islam tak dijadikan cara hidup
Akhirnya Islam yg suci ini dikotori fitnah mereka yang xmahu menghampiri
Aku malu, malu dgn diriku sendiri
Namun kubersyukur krn apa yg kudoakan, kini Kau makbulkan
Aku belajar sesuatu
Itulah hikmah terbesar yang kuperoleh sepanjang permusafiran ini
Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar!
di Beijing Airport |
Tiba2 lamunanku terhenti
"perhatian kpd para penumpang sekalian........"
Alhamdulillah, 6 jam perjalanan sudah hampir berakhir. Sebelum keluar, sempat kubertanya kpd Mr R
"When are you going to come back to Malaysia?"
"On this thursday, my flight is in the evening"
"Ok, sir. Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too"
Bumi beijing, begitu penuh bermakna buat kami. 4 hari di sana, pelbagai ilmu dan hikmah diperoleh. Bila tiba masanya untuk kami kembali, terasa ingin sekali untuk pergi ke sana lagi buat kali kedua. IinsyaAllah, jika punya peluang, akan dijejakkan lagi kaki ke sana.
Penerbangan pulang
Sambil mencari seat yang telah ditetapkan,
Sekali lagi, diriku terserempak dgn Mr R yang sedang duduk
"dalam hatiku terdetik, ya Allah jika aku belum bersedia untuk menjawab semua persoalan yang pernah dilontarkan, jgnlah Kau letakkan aku di seat bersebelahannya......."
-:the end:-
"Kata pengatur bicara
Lidah saksi segala
Di hadapan Rabb pemilik kita"
subhanallah muna!
dahsyatnya pengalaman muna!
moga Allah melimpahi rahmat ke atasmu...
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